About Us

Over the past three decades we have gathered a wealth of experience and expertise that we have collectively applied to more than 500 implementations of various workforce optimization practices. G.H. Bishop Global reunites the original elements, that over twenty years ago changed the way by which Engineered Labor Standard would be implemented throughout the supply chain. Today we want to bring a refreshing consulting experience to our customers. The sentiment that as a client you will be working with experts in the field. That the services you entrust to us will be supervised and delivered by the people you initially meet. The knowledge that your fees will go towards hiring the utmost experts in those fields rather than go towards covering the overhead of lavish offices, pyramid corporate structures, and other expenses that are of no service to resolving your challenges. We pride ourselves in helping our customers reach new levels of efficiency and profitability. We think that it is important that as an organization, we operate using those same principles. Our ultimate goal is to see our customers become long time partners that will entrust us with helping them face and resolve their efficiency challenges.

Danielle, George, and Shaun

Meet Our Management Team

George Bishop

George has been practicing industrial engineering for 30 years. He has focused his entire career on the field of Work Measurement and its application in various industrial sectors. He is a trusted adviser to both companies and unions.

Shaun Castle

Shaun has been involved in the entire operations process for the past 18 years. He has successfully developed and implemented several Engineered Labor Standards (”ELS”) programs across a wide variety of industries. He has led distribution operations responsible for warehousing and transportation.

Danielle Woodward

Danielle has been involved in workforce optimization and Engineered Labor Standards implementation for over 15 years. She has led implementation teams and managed roll-outs with all sizes of organizations including Fortune 100. She has extensive experience in both retail/store and distribution operations.