
Our team averages twenty years of experience delivering sustainable productivity solutions to the manufacturing, distribution, transportation, and retail sectors. Over the course of the past thirty years we have provided our services to small, mid-size, and Fortune 100 companies across the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. We have also worked on behalf of unions to ensure that their members were properly represented and protected from poorly implemented workforce management initiatives.

G. H. Bishop Global is most renowned for its expertise in process optimization and performance measurement in distribution and retail environments.

For over 20 years, our engineers have been involved in implementing labor management solutions in distribution and delivery environments. Our team has spearheaded some of the largest and most complex implementations in the food retail and food distribution sectors in North America. Our systematic approach of developing Engineered Labor Standards, implementing labor management solutions, and defending our results has driven hundreds of distribution facilities to achieve their full potential. Our engineers have worked with most of the popular Labor Measurement System (”LMS”) used in distribution environments and have been the luminaries behind many advancements in the LMS world. In addition, our industrial engineering skills have also been applied to directly manage operations, turnaround operations, and train management personnel.

In the mid 1990s, members of our team were amongst the first in the world to implement Engineered Labor Standards in retail operations. Today, we bring a vision to retail operational efficiency that is driven by our understanding of the intrinsic relationship that exists between distribution and retail operations. In our view, our deep knowledge of distribution operations is crucial to develop optimal processes in retail. We believe that retail efficiency can greatly benefit from upstream improvements in the distribution facility. By eliminating many of the problems at the source, we can then better concentrate on improving in-store processes and implementing labor management and scheduling solutions.