Why choose G. H. Bishop Global, a boutique firm over a large management consulting firm?
It's about expertise of the people that will actually work on your project.

There are many reasons why you would choose to work with G.H. Bishop Global instead of larger consulting firms. If you haven’t already looked at our About section, we invite you to review the expertise and experience of our management team. Unlike most of our competitors, our management team consists of Industrial Engineers that will actually work on your project. With G.H. Bishop Global you will not experience the “bait and switch” that is so common in the consulting world. As a smaller consulting firm we can truly state that we are nimble. We don’t operate luxurious and expensive offices in flashy downtown areas. We don’t have the typical C Level structure that includes a CEO, CFO, CTO, and COO, nor do we employ a large staff of shared services that encompasses human resources, finance and office operations.  

This means that we can charge our customers reasonable rates for services provided by professionals that are true experts in their fields without having to charge you for all the overhead that comes with larger consulting firms.
Can Engineered Labor Standards be successfully implemented in unionized environments?
Our engineers have been successfully implementing Engineered Labor Standards for over 30 years in union environments.

For over 30 years our engineers have been implementing labor management solutions in union environments. Through the years we have developed and refined our methodology to optimize the results of our implementation. Our work has been audited by many unions including the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (”IBT”), the United Food & Commercial Workers (”UFCW”), Unifor, and Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (”CSN”), to name a selection. Unions not only recognize our expertise with regards to implementing labor management solutions, they themselves seek our expertise to ensure that their members are treated fairly.
What level of improvement should we expect from implementing Engineered Labor Standards?
Every implementation is different as it relates to your current level of performance.Historically, we have seen productivity increases in the range of 15% to 25%.

The best answer we can give to this question is that typically the resulting productivity increase from an ELS implementation ranges from 15% to 25%. These assertions are based on over 30 years of implementations in various industrial sectors in both union and non-union facilities. Individual levels of improvement depend on your current level of performance, which is often dictated by the productivity management system in place, the work environment, and many other factors. Given that each case may be different, G. H. Bishop Global offers Operational Efficiency Diagnostic, which is a low cost assessment of your operations that includes an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of a labor management solution.
With the standards in place, do I need a full-time engineer on staff?
As part of the implementation, G. H. Bishop Global will work with you to determine the best solution to maintain your standards and preserve your investment.

There is no doubt that maintaining your standards is a crucial element of a well structured labor management strategy. Some companies hire industrial engineers and develop internal resources to maintain and update their standards, while other companies rely on our services to complete all ELS updates. Upon implementing your ELS our consultants will review the maintenance process and discuss the different options that you can pursue.
How do we convert into real savings our investment in standards?
There is a technical component to implementing standards as well as a managerial one.

Our approach at implementing standards goes beyond the actual engineering of the standards. For an implementation to be financially successful, it is important to have a training plan, a realistic ramp-up period, and an overall strategy to manage non-conformance to the productivity targets. Our overall implementation strategy involves front-line management, industrial relations, and human resources to set the foundation and ensure that the associates will be ready to achieve the  objectives set by the standards.
When is the right time to implement Engineered Labor Standards?
Ideally there is an optimum sequence to follow when implementing Engineered Labor Standards.

Typically, ELS are implemented once the process and work environments are stabilized. Ideally, you should complete all the  major changes you are contemplating for the near future before implementing new standards. This will not only save the  company on consulting costs but it will also avoid having to subject the associates to different productivity expectations in a  short period of time. Other situations may also impact scheduling an implementation. For instance, if you are in the  process of renegotiating the Collective Bargaining Agreement (”CBA”); you will most likely want to defer the implementation  to a later period. With years of experience at implementing Engineered Labor Standards, G. H. Bishop Global will help you  plot the best course of action with respect to your current environment and constraints.
Should we budget for any additional costs beyond the initial implementation?
Keeping your standards up to date is an integral part of a successful workforce management initiative.

When implementing a workforce management initiative using Engineered Labor Standards it is important to understand  from the outset of the project that to be sustainable, Engineered Labor Standards must be updated. The cost of  maintaining standards is dependent on the amount of changes (e.g. processes, business volume, equipment changes,  layout). In any event, periodical maintenance should be scheduled every 18 to 24 months to address any small changes  that may not have been identified
Can I use my Engineered Labor Standards for more than just Workforce Management?
Any aspect of your business that can benefit from a better understanding of “how much time should it take to do  …” will tremendously benefit from Engineered Labor Standards.

Engineered Labor Standards should be regarded as an information system that provides impartial and unbiased knowledge  about the time it takes to accomplish a given task under certain conditions. As such, it should be regarded as an investment  that goes well beyond workforce management. Historically, Engineered Labor Standards has been viewed as the key  component to effectively managing your workforce. ELS have made such a contribution to workforce management that  often the two terms have become interchangeable. What is not as universally recognised is the role that the ELS play in  implementing incentive programs, planning and scheduling of resources, activity based costing, simulation and modelling,  as well as many other important business processes. Once a company invests in Engineered Labor Standards, it should  maximise its investment by using it to its full potential.
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