Engineered Labor Standard Audit

It may just be that you need a second opinion on the state of your Work Measurement program, your Engineered Labor Standards, and/or your Labor Measurement System, G. H. Bishop Global is here to provide you with an unbiased assessment.

Engagements of this nature typically span over one to two weeks per facility. There are many reasons for having standards audited by a third party:

  • You are looking for an unbiased assessment of the work performed by your internal engineering resources or your current consultants
  • As a selling point to the union, you have your ELS reviewed by an impartial party
  • You are preparing for a review of your ELS by the union
  • You have legacy ELS that must be reviewed

 As a union, you may want to consider an audit for the following reasons:

  • Changes to the work environment are occurring (e.g. volume increase, new processes, new equipment) and the standards have not been updated
  • A number of employees are being disciplined for low performance to standard
  • The company has not updated the standards in more than two years

G. H. Bishop also provides these audit services to Unions that need to validate the accuracy of the standards implemented by management.