Industrial Engineering Training

Some of our personnel have thought industrial engineering at the College, undergraduate and graduate levels. G. H. Bishop offers customized training to your organization's need. We can ensure that your engineering staff gets the appropriate training to be able to build fair and equitable standards in the most efficient manner possible. You can chose from the following sessions or ask us to customize specific training for your needs.

  • ‍Five-day MOST (Maynard Operation Sequence Technique) class
  • ‍Two-day Time Study class
  • ‍Two-day UMT Plus Time Study software training
  • ‍One-day Work Sampling class
  • ‍Half-day leveling (speed rating) seminar

We also offer shorter informational seminar that target management personnel, associates, and union executives.

  • ‍One-hour Engineered Labor Standards introduction
  • ‍Half-day Engineered Labor Standards 101
  • ‍Two-day Work Study seminar

Not finding what you need! Let us know what you are looking for and we will create some customized training to suit your needs.